Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Yeng Constantino is “Rock Chic” on CHALK Magazine May 2011 Issue

Rockoustic PrincessYeng Constantino is the latest cover girl of the no.1 campus magazine in the country, CHALK Magazine.

The magazine tags the 2011 MYX Music Awards’ Favorite Artist as “Rock Chic” which truly reflects on her presence on this cover.
Yeng is currently seen in ABS-CBN’s late night musical show, Music Uplate Live! She’s also one of the top performers in the Sunday musical variety show, ASAP Rocks. Yeng is schedule to do a series of out of the country shows this upcoming June.
Aside from Yeng, other features inside Chalk’s May 2011 issue include “17 Hot Bands”, “10 Ways to Keep Local Music Alive”, “Summer IT List” and more.

This issue is now available nationwide wherever magazines are sold.

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