Senin, 18 April 2011

Ruffa Gutierrez Hot Photos for Belo ‘BodyTite’ Sexy Billboard

Actress-Host Ruffa Gutierrez makes Pinoy Summer even more hotter as she goes very sexy and stunning in her latest billboard for Belo Medical Group.

Ruffa is the endorser of Belo Medical Group's new body contouring procedure called “BodyTite” for "body contouring and removing unwanted loose skin on tummy brought about by childbirth".
Check out Belo Medical Group's summer billboard for its new procedure called "BodyTite" featuring their endorser Ruffa Gutierrez in sexy swimsuit.

For more info about this latest body contouring procedure called “BodyTite”, kindly visit Belo Medical Group Official Website HERE.

Price starts at P56, 000 for the procedure + P5,600 for the anesthesia.
Photo credits to Belo Medical Group

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