Kamis, 21 April 2011

The Sassy Gonzaga Girls Cover Yes! Magazine May 2011 Issue

The Number One Entertainment Magazine in the country, Yes! Magazine has unveiled their latest issue! And on its May issue, The Sassy Gonzaga Girls (Alex and Toni) is on the cover of Yes! “CELEBRITY HOME” issue.

The Sassy Gonzaga Girls show on Yes! their bedrooms, open their closets, and lighten up their classical, formal home with their laugh-out-loud brand of sisterly affection.

Aside on Toni & Alex Gonzaga's Taytay home, Yes! Magazine also features Carla Abellana's stylish Townhouse in Q.C. and Jolina Magdangal's Shop, Salon & Resto located in Tagaytay. Plus a feature on the Azkals “Ambassadors for Football” James & Phil. Also on the issue, are the exclusive cute shots of Judy Ann Santos together with her daughter Yohan.

YES! Magazine's May 2011 issue is now available in all leading newsstands and bookstores nationwide! Grab a copy NOW!

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