Rabu, 06 April 2011

‘Catch Me, I’m In Love’ Earns P89.73M in 2 Weeks, 'Who’s That Girl?' Earns P58.30M in 5 Weeks

It’s Official! The romantic-comedy filmCatch Me, I’m In Love’ is now the current no. 1 Pinoy Film for the year 2011.

The 2nd movie offering of Star Cinema and Viva Films, ‘Catch Me, I’m In Love’ starring Gerald Anderson and Sarah Geronimo has now raked-in a total of P89.73 Million box-office gross on its 2-weeks run from 92 theaters nationwide. Due to this outstanding gross, the romantic-comedy film has surpassed the box office sales of another movie from Star Cinema, ‘Bulong’ which holds the lead for almost 2 months.

The latest figure came from third party tabulator Box Office Mojo from March 30–April 3, 2011 and based only from 92 major movie theaters in the country which means around 15 - 25 theaters in the provinces were not yet accounted for.

But on The Buzz last Sunday, it was reportedly that the movie already reached the 100 million status.

Catch Me, I’m In Love’ tops the local box office again last weekend defeating its rival international films “Hop”, “Source Code”, “The Lincoln Lawyer” and “Män som hatar kvinnor (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)”. To see the full figures, click HERE

With the very huge success of the first team-up of Gerald and Sarah, there’s a big possibility that their tandem will be having a follow-up movie or TV project.

Meanwhile, the hilarious Pinoy film, ‘Who’s That Girl’ topbilled by Anne Curtis and Luis Manzano has now grossed P58.30M on it’s 5th week run from 25 remaining theaters.

Catch Me, I’m In Love’ is now on its 3nd week run! Congratulations to Gerald Anderson, Sarah Geronimo and to the other casts of the film. Also with Star Cinema! : ) TUM: My Pledge of Love is now showing! Support Pinoy Films! : ) 

(As of April 3, 2011)

1. Catch Me, I’m In Love - P89.73 Million
2. Bulong - P67.27 Million
3. Who's That Girl? - P58.30 Million
4. My Valentine Girls Hits - P44.25 Million

Note: Movies in bold font are still running in several theaters

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