Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Andi Eigenmann Covers Chalk Magazine March 2011 Issue

Dubbed as ABS-CBN’s Heiress of DramaAndi Eigenmann is on the cover of Chalk Magazine’s March 2011 issue.

This is Andi’s second time to cover Chalk Magazine; the first time was last September 2010.
Features inside the said issue also include “The Coolest Jobs Ever”, “What to Do When You’re Caught in a Love Triangle”, “Summer Trend Forecast”, “Graduation Dresses on A Budget” and more!
Also, get to know the latest about The Lamars, Kylie Padilla, Marlon Stockinger, and other stars!
Grab your copy of Chalk Magazine March 2011 Issue with Andi Eigenmann on cover. Now available in all leading bookstores, newsstands and selected supermarkets nationwide!

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