Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Lovi Poe is Red Hot on Maven Magazine

Kapuso actress/model Lovi Poe is on the cover of Maven Magazines November-December 2011 issue.

The 22-year old sultry actress talks about that body and her stellar year. She now stars in the upcoming horror film of Regal Films “Aswang” along with Paolo Avelino. The movie will hit in theaters this November 2, All Souls Day. “Aswang” is Lovi’s 4th mainstream starrer film this year after “My Valentine Girls”, “Temptation Island” and “My Neighbors Wife”.
The November-December 2011 issue of Maven Magazine is all about “Having a Sexy Holiday!” Features include “25 Playful Ways to Get Him in the Mood”, “7 Inspiring Love Stories”, “Party Dressing”, “Find Your Holiday Fling” and more!
Maven Magazine November-December 2011 issue featuring Lovi Poe is now available in bookstores and newsstands! Grab your copy now and get a chance to win some exciting and cool prizes like Samsung Digital Camera and Perfume from Art of Scent.

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