Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Lady Gaga may become Queen Gaga!!!

Lady Gaga and Queen’s Brian May struck quite a friendship after he lent his guitar-slaying prowess on her single “You And I” and appeared during her performance of the song at the 2011 VMAs.

May was so taken with the pop star, in fact, that he reportedly wants Gaga — who got her stage name from Queen song “Radio Ga Ga” — to take over Freddie Mercury’s role as the lead singer of the band. Say what?

Speaking to the UK’s Daily Express at the BMI Awards, May discussed a possible solution to the “singer problem” they’ve had since Freddie Mercury’s passing in two decades ago.

“We get a lot of offers to work with other people,” he said. “I worked with Lady Gaga and she’s very creative and is someone we’ve talked about singing, fronting the band with. She’s not just a singer, she writes her own material… Lady Gaga has said she would like to do something with us.”

Look, we don’t want to break the bad (obvious) news to you as you daydream of Lady Gaga dressing up like Jo Calderone and touring around the country with Queen, singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “We Will Rock You” and “Don’t Stop Me Now”, but this is never going to actually happen.

Never. Perhaps the two acts will perform together again in some context, but the woman is busy singing her own damn songs and preparing her own Born This Way tour. She’s doing just fine as a solo act, thankyouverymuch

Freddie Mercury

Of course, if she did front the band, it’d be a dream come true for her. Check out Gaga shedding a tear just talking about the iconic rock group:

So, the question is: Do you prefer Gaga as a solo artist or as Queen's leading singer???

Feel free to comment.

Katerina Wilhelmina

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