Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Do you want to know when and where Lady Gaga will perform "Marry The Night"?

According to GagaFreshNews via Twitter Lady Gaga will perform 'Marry The Night' on X Factor UK 13th November! So, have patience till then!...

Kelly Miller 2012 Pushes Nerve Factor Under New, Bigger Big Top: Pirates, Knife Jugglers, Tigers & Slide for Lifers Pace Lineup

John Ringling North II takes in a performance of the show during the 2011 season. How deep might he go into creative producing?Knife juggling, gaucho dancing, wild animals in control, pirates on the lose, the "slide for life" and unprotected single trap daring-do promise, on paper, to up the nerve factor at next year's Kelly Miller Circus. Show is now in its Hugo barns, already prepping for the 2012 tour, expected to hit the grass -- or mud -- come February. This I infer from advance information sent my way courtesy of show's general manager Jim Royal. Thank you, Jim.John Ringling North II's pet circus will sport a brand new big top next season, with "a completely different look," says Royal -- this one designed out of San Francisco by North's...

Don't know what to wear on Halloween? Get some ideas from the celebs!!!

Here are some photos of how celebrities are inspired by Halloween...I have to admit that they dared a great deal!                                                                                                                        ...

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