Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

TV RATINGS: ABS-CBN leads SONA 2011 Live Coverage!

Kantar TNS National TV Ratings:

Ulat Sa Bayan: Ika-2 State of the Nation Address (ABS-CBN) 14.1%
SONA 2011: The GMA News Coverage (GMA-7) 13.3%

AGB Nielsen People/Individual Mega Manila Ratings:

SONA 2011 State of the Nation Address: The GMA News Coverage (GMA-7) 7.5%
Ulat Sa Bayan Ika-2 State of the Nation Address (ABS-CBN) 4.6%
Pagbabago SONA 2011 (TV5) 1.2%

AGB Nielsen Household Mega Manila Ratings:

No data yet

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