Senin, 06 Juni 2011

A Weiner for All Seasons, Networks, Tabloids, Talk Shows, Pills, Book Deals, Dr. Phil, Pimp Maury and Even -- shhhh! -- PBS

I'm so sick of the attention that gets thrown onto the self-indulgent escapades of the High and Mighty, that I was actually re-discovering the Waltons on Hallmark tonight. Maybe there I will stay -- for a while. Even CNN is shamefully grovelling in the tale of another idiot politician succumbing to the lure of contemporary hookups via the "social network" (aka: Porno on Demand). The Crotch Watch, I imagine, is sending ratings sky high.

To keep this little post short (don't want to edge out those still wishing to get their say into the one that follows, the post that keeps on giving): I just don't get it. I thought this was the land of insanely unlimited personal freedoms (part of our self-proclaimed "exceptionalism"), including but not limited to sex in its many forms, and yet the moment somebody dares to follow his/her erotic muse, the country explodes into moral outrage and shock. How could he do such a thing? What disgusting behavior! I have a question, land of the free, home of the horny:

Which way do you want it, United Flakes of America? -- the wide-open Hugh Hefner paradigm, or that Sunday School purity that parades every other Sunday? Aren't there really more important matters to address, such as the incredibly troublesome fact that of every dollar the U.S. government spends, 43 cents of it is borrowed????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Now that is what I call truly obscene.

John Boy, come back!

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