Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Facebook Event: Make #Spratly4Philippines Trend Worldwide!

You're cordially invited!

We defended this country for 333 years to be free from the Spaniards. We fought the Americans for 3 years. We fight gloriously beside our former enemy to defend this land from the Japanese and now a territory of ours wants to be taken out?

DO NOT let the efforts of Rizal, Lapu Lapu, Bonifacio, and everybody else go to WASTE. We must do something!

Support this Cause!

Let's make #Spratly4Philippines trend WORLDWIDE.

Spratly Islands is ours! Spratly Islands is for Philippines!

If you have account please on July 2, 2011 tweet as many times as you can the hash-tag: #Spratly4Philippines

Facebook event here:

Like their Facebook Page: 1,000,000 Likes for Philippine Rights on Spratly Islands.

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