Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

BET President Stephen Hill, apologizes for Chris Brown awkward moment! (VIDEO)

Chris Brown performing at BET 2011 Awards
BET President Stephen Hill has taken responsibility for the uncomfortable mixup in which Drake accepted an award meant for Chris Brown.

Guest presenter Tiffany Green first announced that the winner of the Viewers' Choice award was Chris Brown. Then she corrected herself and said the winner was Rihanna. Another presenter then said the winner was Drake.

At the end of the show, host Kevin Hart explained that the winner was in fact Brown.

After the uncomfortable flub, Green tweeted "Bawling backstage. They totally fu%&ed me up."

Hill took responsibility for the mistake on Twitter, saying, "That BET Awards Viewer's Choice mix-up was due to human error. And I was the human that made that error. I apologize to ALL affected."

The situation was made especially awkward because Brown was convicted in 2009 of assaulting Rihanna, and ordered not to contact his former girlfriend for five years.

Video here:

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