Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Dingdong Dantes to host GMA-7 new artista search 'The Protégé'!

After I Heart You, Pare which has a tentative ending sometime in June, Dingdong Dantes has a new show lined up right away. He’ll go back to his hosting roots as the host of GMA 7′s upcoming reality artist search, The Protégé. I’m not sure when the latter will start but I think at the later date of June or early July.

Dingdong is a good choice for this project because he’s a very good host who doesn’t need to rely on too much practice and idiot boards. He’s very capable of casual bantering but with a lot of sense. He’s also perfect for this job coz he’s a good mentor to these aspiring talents. The award winning actor, dancer, endorser, humanitarian and ambassador to worthy causes, can very well impart his own experiences in the showbiz industry and how to handle the whole thing without losing their own identities. I reckon’ these are the reasons why GMA 7 picked him to host The Protégé.

Courtesy: Filipina in Showbiz

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