Rabu, 30 November 2011

Madonna Approached by Cougar Dating Site to be their New Spokeswoman!

Everyone knows Madonna is a cougar.

The 53-year old Material Girl is currently dating a 24-year-old dancer Brahim Zaibat, and also dated a then 22 year-old Brazilian model Jesus Lutz after she divorced Guy Ritchie, so if anyone knows how to snag a younger man, it's Madonna.

So anyways, the online dating site, Cougarlife.com that pairs older women with younger men has offered Madonna $300,000 to become the new face of their site.

The site is asking Madonna to record a song and video and refers to her as "without a doubt the queen of Cougars."

They ask that she record the song and release it by Valentine's Day and that if the song and video do well, she'll receive an extra $750,000.

What is defined as "doing well" for a cougar dating site?


Toddler boys are signing up? Ulch. Actually the site says that if Madonna's song for CougarLife enters a Top 10 chart she'll get another $200,000 and if the video gets more than a million hits on youtube she'll get another $550,000.

The website describes itself as "the premiere online dating service that pairs women in their prime with younger men and ends the double standard!"

and the site pitches itself at Madonna, "Therefore we at CougarLife are extremely interested in exploring a unique partnership with her."

The offer letter also says that Madge would "agree to perform the CougarLife Song at no less than one major award show in the 2012 calendar year."

That's embarrassing! It's one thing to record a PSA that says "hey, it's awesome to date younger men" but to record a song about being a cougar and then having to perform that song at say, the Teen Choice Awards, she's practically begging to be locked away on charges of jailbait.

The men that date cougars are called cubs and the site currently features a woman in her 50's who looks like Camille Grammar's doppelganger.

This cougar woman is lounging around in a white robe with a tagline that reads, "At our age, do you feel all the best men are taken? Join CougarLife.com and meet great young guys before they're snatched up."

                          Do you think that Madonna will 
accept their offer??

We will know I guess on Valentine's Day!!!

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