Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

[Number 3 on Amazon Currently, Read On!] Sneak Peak Inside the Changing Circus: Why Do U.S. "Circus Schools" Fail? There Was a Day ...

The book's Amazon Ranking in "Hot New Performing Arts Books" Update, 4:07 pst: Number 3. [so how about a few more takers out there among you, the multitudes, who peak into my tent and never make a peep? Just 'ta give me a monetary thrill of being Number One for the first time in my mini-careeeeeeeer?]

When ringmasters shouted -- "First time FROM America!"

Circus performers have hailed, mainly, from Asia and Europe. Why not America?

There was a day when, believe it or not, many of the big top's most accomplished stars came from the United States. When, in fact, the U.S. was respected the world over for its supremacy as a leading contributor to great circus performances.

Can you pin point the location and/or institution responsible?

Before that, among the Native Americans, which if any skills long associated with circus art might they have practiced?

Dig Deeper, Dream Smarter

Inside the Changing Circus

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