Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Angel Locsin Now Ready to Settle Down But Phil Younghusband Might Not

Angel Locsin Now Ready to Settle Down But Phil Younghusband Might Not

Angel Locsin is now feeling the pressure of settling down as she admitted that as she gets closer to turning 30, she's now hoping to find the man she would like to settle down with.

Angel, however, said her "super special friend" Phil Younghusband have not yet discussed his future plans with her.

Maganda 'yan kung kami muna unang mag-usap... Magte-twenty seven na ako next year, 26 na ako. Siyempre naiisip mo na ayaw mo nang mag-waste ng time. Gusto mo na yung kasama mong tao hindi na yung trip lang pero sinisigurado pa namin, ni hindi pa nga namin napag-uusapan,” she said.

Angel said though, that they both enjoying what they have for now.

Right now, we are very happy kung anuman ang nangyayari sa amin, kung ano ang takbo. Iba 'yung happiness namin and kung matuloy siguro ito, hindi natin masabi pero sana, sana,” she said.

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