Senin, 28 Januari 2008

About My Bandwagon Ad: Thank you, Raffaele DeRitis ...

Because they granted me interviews for, or contributed in some significant way to, my new book Fall of the Big Top (and, believe me, many people did not), I took out an ad in the Nov-Dec. issue of Bandwagon to thank them. Unfortunately (I should have requested an advance proof for review), a number of errors were made between final copy sent and what actually appears in the magazine, just out. Worst of all, Raffaele DeRitis,(whose name I am guilty of misspelling in my own book), here in Bandwagon ends up without a last name at all!What irony: On this occasion I went out of my way to be sure everybody's name was spelled correctly. I examined my ad copy before it was sent to Bandwagon maybe a dozen times. Still, fate seems to vex me. (Spell checkers have been known to crash when I come near...

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008

Following Those Ringlings Forever ... and Ever ... Can Become an Addiction ...

Hey, did you see over there on Buckles Blog that photo of the five ticket wagons on the Ringling-Barnum midway in 1955? And, by the way, John Ringling North II is now in Hugo active in production plans for Kelly-Miller’s next season. JRN The Second, I hereby declare, is no longer a first of may. He is now a fully matriculating apprentice tycoon. Give ‘em Ringling, and they’ll come. Give ‘em Al or John, even Otto, and their ears perk up. Give it to ‘em plain or fancy, fanciful or factual. Fans (and I plead guilty) have an insatiable appetite for all things Ringling ... Read on, you hopeless insatiables ...Jack Hunter, a card carrying JRN buff, e-mails me “I have started reading your new book for the second time.” That would be Fall of the Big...

Minggu, 20 Januari 2008

Sunday Morning Smorgasbord --- Srambled to Go ...

Safety Tips for those daring to patronize the San Francisco Zoo. Since the same police, who earlier said the boys did not taunt the late great Tatiana (aka: Siberian Tiger), are now saying, no, they did, be warned: DO NOT TAUNT THE WILD ANIMALS OF S.F. as they (Tatiana and others) have been known to escape confinement. I was about to suggest, if anything, that you throw kisses to the beautiful beasts, but if you are not their type, they might claim sex harassment and still come after you... Keep in mind that Ms. T. also ravaged the arm of her zoo keeper (resulting in another lawsuit), who was not, to my limited knowledge, taunting the tiger. Perhaps throwing a kiss? Or sharing a Yoga moment? Anybody out there lately killed by a circus animal? I can’t recall. Notes the Savvy Insider, “There...

Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

San Francisco Once Embraced Real Circus: Can It Again?

San Francisco, once a rough real town with families, factories and beach side roller coasters, once hosted real circuses too. It was there at the Civic Auditorium in the 1940s where I first saw a spangled parade. Name of Polack Bros. This kid was as entranced by cylindrical bags of popcorn, chameleons and funny things dangling from sticks as he was by the action down below. In hazy recall, he can still see a big cage (maybe), a few big elephants, for sure, some acrobats flying over a net, yes. And an amusing surprise — a goofy clown setting off a big cannon making a tiny noise, then lighting a tiny firecracker causing a HUGE explosion. Circus Circa 1946, a very good year. San Francisco, when it was a real real town with bustling waterfront...

Rabu, 09 Januari 2008

A Movie Musical To End All Movie Musicals

Movie Review: Sweeney ToddSweeney Todd’s pervasively wretched view of human existence, now on the big screen, left me in the mood for a hokey high school production of Oklahoma! Or maybe for a grandstand seat at a good old fashioned nuclear war. It left me wondering if I will forever associate Johnny Depp with the demon barber of Fleet Street who in serial revenge for having served a 15 year prison sentence for a crime he did not commit, proceeds to slit the throats of his gentlemen patrons and dispatch them into a basement meat pie processing plant below. Oh yes, and Broadway’s reigning pessimist, songwriter Stephen Sondheim, has set the story to words and music, although even he seems not quite down to the gory tale he originally scored in...

Senin, 07 Januari 2008

MIDWAY FLASH ... MIDWAY FLASH ... Carson & Barnes to Play San Francisco Under the Big Top ...

A U.S. circus under canvas in the city by the golden gate?A few phone calls to the Cow Palace -- Will Ringling return in 2008? Might there be another circus instead? And what about, say, Carson & Barnes (already rumored to be inking California dates for 2008)-- revealed this shocker: Carson & Barnes will appear on the upper parking lot of the Cow Palace, next September 12 through 14 (not October, as I originally reported)This will mark the first time in perhaps over half a century that a traditional American under-canvas three ring circus had made an appearance in this city. Ringling-Barnum began playing the Cow Palace, as an indoor engagement, in 1948 and is still listed by the Cow Palace as its longest running tenant, even though Ringling has nixed the date the last two years.Carson...

Selasa, 01 Januari 2008

Open Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer, Representative Barbara Lee: Please Save H-2B

A response from Senator Boxer follows:Thank you for contacting me regarding proposals to extend the annual cap exemption for returning H-2B temporary guest workers. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter, and I agree with you. As you may know, the Senate Judiciary Committee is currently considering S.988, the Save Our Small and Seasonal Business Act of 2007. This bipartisan bill would extend the annual cap exemption for returning H-2B visa holders until October 1, 2012. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of this important legislation. Seasonal workers play a vital part in many American businesses. Without them, many small businesses would be forced to limit services, lay off permanent U.S. workers, or even close their doors. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with...

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